Sunday, March 15, 2015

Metrics Update

This is an update of my post called "metrics".  Fictionmania has very rudimentary ways to tell how a story is received so I documented the page views and reviews at that time to get an idea of success..  It is a year later and I want to see how many views I've gotten since.  My suspicion is the shorter and R rated stories will get more views.  I already know there haven't been many reviews but that wasn't unexpected.  Only new stories get reviews for some reason.

The first number under the story is last year.  The second number is today.  The third is the difference.
  • The Trial of Stewart (Rated R - 59.6k - 10,893 words - Transformation) 
    • 12 Reviews plus 1 by me - 9230 Pageviews - 769.1 R/PV
    • 12 Reviews plus 1 by me - 10531 Pageviews - 877.6 R/RV
    • 1301 reads
  •  Bringing Back Isabell (Rated R - 58.0k - 10,732 words - Transformation)
    • 2 Reviews - 8,404 Pageviews - 4,202 R/PV
    • 2 Reviews - 9,023 Pageviews - 4,511 R/PV
    • 619 Reads
  • A Brother's Request (Rated G - 9.7k - 1,711 words - Crossdressing/TG) 
    • 11 Reviews - 3646 Pageviews - 331.5 R/PV
    • 13 Reviews - 4062 Pageviews - 312.4 R/PV
    • 416 Reads
  • Small Town Journey - (Rated R - 274.2k - 50,845 words - Crossdressing/TG)
    • 8 Reviews plus 1 response by me - 3660 Pageviews - 457.5 R/PV
    • 8 Reviews plus 1 response by me - 4597 Pageviews - 574.6 R/PV
    • 937 Reads

  • Jersey Girls - (Rated R - 41.2k - 11,813 words - Transformation) 
    • 4 Reviews - 11340 Pageviews - 2835 R/PV
    • 4 Reviews - 13066 pageviews - 3266 R/PV
    • 1726 Reads

  • Mystic Godfather - (Rated R - 113.7k - 21.175 words - Transformation)
    • 6 Reviews - 3805 Pageviews - 634.2 R/PV
    • 8 Reviews - 5306 Pageviews - 663.2 R/PV
    • 1501 Reads
OK ... That was interesting (for me at least).

I found a few surprises as I compiled the numbers.
  • Jersey Girls was the most accessed story but no one left a review.  That reinforces my belief when I posted the story that it just didn't come together very well.  I'm glad I attempted it as it was my first attempt to write something dark.  
    • Why did it get so many review?
      • It is one of my shorter works at 11k words
      • It is R rated
      • It has the Crime Punishment & Revenge tags
  •  Mystic Godfather & A Brother's Request both got 2 reviews which reinforces my belief they both are two of my best works.  The ironic thing for both is how quickly I wrote the stories.  Mystic Godfather took 2 weeks of furious writing as experimented with first person writing.  I wrote A Brother's Request in one sitting to help me through a panic attack in the early morning hours a few years ago.
  • Small Town Journey's reception still disappoints me because I put so much of myself into it.  It is a long work for fictionmania but the research I did while writing it helped me understand the transgender community.  I really think the length hurts is as does the exposition storytelling I used at the beginning.  If I had to do it over I might use more flashbacks to avoid so much exposition.
 Did this exercise teach me anything?  Not really but it reinforced things I already knew.  The readers of Fictionmania prefer transformation stories that are about 10,000 words long, X rated, and dark.  Anyone that has spent much time there knows that.

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