Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Small Town Journey

After I finished my blog post I realized I never posted the reception to my last story, Small Town Journey.  This has been sitting on my hard drive for a long time that I wrote as a 'what-if' type of story as opposed to my actual life.

The story is of a guy named Steve that is having difficulty in school and finds himself in a situation with many dark thoughts and no seeming escape until in desperation he reaches out.  The rest of the story is how the various characters react, help, and condemn his actions.

The  story is the longest I've put on Fictionmania at 274k which I think translates into about 50,000 words.  I knew it was a risk as most people on the site are looking for something about 4,000 words with a lot more erotica than I ever plan to put into any of my works (this was rated G).  I got fewer responses which was expected due to the lenght but loved the ones that bothered to respond.  Here's a sample:

  • An absorbing story with good characterisation. No completely evil people and none lily-white pure. In other words like most of us. This is such a huge work that it seems churlish only to offer a short review but I'm afraid that's what this is going to be.
  • All I can say is that I read it at one sitting and found it both believable and enjoyable. It even brought me to tears at one point. There was a feeling towards the end that the writer wanted to get it finished because it became slightly rushed. Perhaps a little less time spent earlier and little more towards the end would improve the flow but that's being slightly churlish.
  • This was so well written, didn't have time to complete it in one sitting, but had to come back to it, couldn't wait to finish.  Thank you for a really lovely story Sara! There are very few that keep me reading all the way to the end in one go but this one did.  I should also say that I am agnostic but actually felt pleased with the way religion were portrayed in the story.  I felt a real empathy with Sara in the story, I could really believe it was like a diary extract and it went into good deep detail.  
  • Keep up the writing, you have a real talent and I look forward to your future works.
  • Hi Sara thank you for a lovly story i was captivated with your story and was pleased with the support group that you presented wish it were so for most of us in the world of gender identity it was nice to read something less blatently sex oriented and more emitional driven and at a point of coming of decision/age as i am wiping the tears from my face and the mascara it was lovely the way you left the coming together of father and daughter be the end. Bravo.
  • Beautiful story. I very much enjoyed it as there were many similarities to my life.
  • Nicely done. A great amount of detail for a vivid picture. You have a real talent and your effort is clearly visible.

Words like this after so much effort is really appreciated.  The funny things is how much I notice the stories flaws after posting.  A professional site would be much harsher as I've read it a few times since I posted and cringe at every grammar error.  I also really wish I could go back and strengthen the final chapter but I need an editor for advice which is difficult to do that and keep my secret.  For this story it is time to move on.

I still have two much longer works that I really like that are currently sitting at about 40,000 and 120,000 words respectively though I will probably release the latter as two books.  As you can imagine the editing process is difficult.

To get away from it I located a rough draft from my first attempt at writing one of these types of stories that was about 50,000 words.  It's about 3/4 done and needs a lot of work as my writing skill has improved a lot since that time.

I really hope to have all of these published this year as they've all been lingering on my computer for far too long.

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